JAKARTA - MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo alias Bamsoet asked the Provincial Government (Pemrov) of Bali to form a special task force (task) to address the problems of foreign tourists or foreign nationals (WNA) who disturb the order and disturb the local community. "I ask the local government to immediately form a special task force that includes elements of the police and immigration, which will later monitor, fix foreign tourists, and take action against foreigners who disturb the order and disturb the local community," said Bamsoet in a written statement, Thursday, March 16, quoted by Antara. He conveyed this related to problematic foreign tourists or foreigners in Bali and became the public spotlight, especially those who violate the rules in Indonesia, such as making ID cards and abusing residence permits and illegal work.

In addition to the formation of the task force, Bamsoet also asked the relevant local government together with law enforcement officials to seriously observe the problem of problematic foreign tourists. According to him, the government and officials need to strengthen strict enforcement efforts. "The reason is that the number of unresolved foreign tourist problems in Bali can have an impact on tourist interest from other countries who really want to visit Indonesia," he said.

Next, Bamsoet asked the Bali Provincial Government to update data on foreign tourists visiting Bali periodically while checking their identity and residence permit. Thus, he continued, registered foreigners can easily be tracked and ensure their identity legality and ownership of their residence permit.

Finally, Bamsoet asked the Government not to hesitate to take firm action against foreign tourists who violate immigration rules, such as by deporting the person concerned. "I also ask the government's commitment not to hesitate to take firm action to deport foreign tourists who violate immigration regulations," he concluded.

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