JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) stated that the migration carried out by poultry at a certain time to the fess that sticks to the surface of an object can trigger the potential for bird flu transmission. "“ There is no evidence that bird flu transmission occurs from humans to humans, not yet. So if you look at this, the condition is actually still safe,” said the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force PB IDI Erlina Burhan in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, May 9. Erlina said that to this day, bird flu transmission is still found to occur due to human contact with poultry that are sick or die from the H5N1 virus. Although there were cases of transmission from poultry to humans in 2005, during the three years of bird flu, cases in Indonesia only reached 50 to 60 cases. Erlina said human transmission has not been found, so it is very important to pay attention to poultry health, such as its migration. At one time, poultry can migrate from one place to another. There is a possibility that poultry will stop at one point to stop, and transmit the virus to poultry living in that place. This cycle then makes transmission more widespread elsewhere. In addition to migration, bird flu can also be transmitted if sick birds accidentally attach their feces to a certain surface of objects or eggs. " “ Usually the virus is in the feces or in the body there is a series of parts, so we, especially farmers, have to wear masks and gloves (when in contact with poultry)," he said. Therefore, when people want to consume poultry, it is hoped that they can clean it first so that there is no part of the fess or virus that sticks. Clean the surface of the egg if you see a fee attached before putting it in the refrigerator. "If you want to process it, make sure the poultry meat is cut in a clean place and use gloves. Meanwhile, if you want to eat it, it must be cooked in a temperature of about 59 to 60 degrees Celsius so that the virus in it dies," he said. For people who care for poultry, both in the form of chickens and ducks in the yard, Erlina recommends that farmers wear masks and use gloves every time they make contact. Including diligently washing their hands when they finish work. With human transmission that has not been found, on that occasion Erlina asked each party not to panic or exaggerate the issue of bird flu. According to him, the potential for bird flu to become a pandemic is still small because transmission is not carried out through droplets such as COVID-19. “ I think the potential to become an outbreak is small, because we are now more collaborative. With the cases found in Kalimantan alone, all parties have moved all to overcome it. So, don't exaggerate too much. Remember we are still focusing on stunting, don't let children not eat chicken. Can still be consumed as long as cooked until cooked, ” he said.

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