3 Children Died As A Result Of Bathing In Former Tin Mining Locations In Bangka
BPBD Bangka visited the funeral home of the victim who died drowning as a result of bathing in a former tin mining. (ANTARA/Kasmono)

BANGKA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that three drowned victims died as a result of bathing under or mining tin seeds in Bangka Regency.

Head of BPBD Bangka Regency Ridwan said the three victims died at Medika Sungailiat Hospital during the rescue process carried out by the medical team on Wednesday, March 8.

"The three female victims came from Pemali Bangka District, each on behalf of Cybtia (12), Najua (11) and Zahra (11)," said Ridwan in Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Wednesday, March 8 evening, as reported by Antara.

He said the initial information on the incident of a child accident died as a result of drowning while bathing came from the head of Laskar Sekaban Volunteer, Achin.

The basis for the information obtained, said Ridwan, was that his party dispatched a BPBD Rapid Response Unit (URC) team to the scene.

Chronology occurred Wednesday, March 8 at 14.30 WIB, where the three took a bath with their colleagues. The three victims were found by residents at around 15.30 WIB and immediately taken to the hospital.

According to one resident of Tutut Pemali Village, Ria said the information she obtained was that the three victims had permission with their parents to study groups, but suddenly there was news that the three of them drowned while bathing.

When evacuated, the three of them were known to be safe, but because it was possible that the three of them were already weak, they could not be helped while in the hospital.

"I urge the whole community, especially parents who have small children, to be able to pay attention when playing, not to be allowed to take a bath in a place that is considered vulnerable, must remain under parental monitoring," he said.

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