Entering The Digital Era, The Revision Of The Broadcasting Law Is Encouraged To Be Completed Immediately
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JAKARTA - Commissioner of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Irsal Ambia encourages the revision of the Broadcasting Law to be completed immediately, and produces a more progressive new Broadcasting Law in responding to current technological developments that are closely related to the digital broadcasting medium. "We should encourage the new Broadcasting Law to be discussed immediately, it can be generated immediately and have a more progressive paradigm. So not only talk (media) conventional, but also have a digital perspective, in the sense of a more digitized approach to new media platforms (new media)," said Isral quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 7. As for the Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Policy Analysts (AAAAKI) Trubus Rahadiansyah said that the revision of the Broadcasting Law which has not yet been after it had a negative impact for local governments who wanted to develop regional regulations (Perda) related to local content broadcasting and so on. Because this Perda is the way of legislation. Now, if the law is never born or completed then they are confused,' he added. He also reminded that public participation is involved as much as possible in the process of drafting the revision of the Broadcasting Law, considering that the Indonesian people are pluralistic. Not only KPI, community leaders, religious figures, because our society is very diverse,' said Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR RI Abdul Kharis Almasyhari said that the revised draft of Law Number 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting (UUU Broadcasting) has almost been completed by Commission I of the DPR. The process today has reached the final preparation of the draft of the bill made by Commission I,'' said Kharis. He said that after the draft of the Broadcasting Bill was completed, it would then be submitted to the Legislation Body (Baleg) DPR RI to be then processed to the plenary meeting of the DPR RI.. After the plenary session, it will be sent to the Government for discussion together with the Government,''' he said.

Kharis also hopes that the draft revision of the Broadcasting Law whose discussion has been rolled out by the previous period can be completed by the time the next DPR RI session will begin on March 14. "Hopefully, in the trial period tomorrow, the bill or draft of the broadcasting bill will be completed," said Kharis.

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