TANGERANG - The police have arrested 80 students suspected of being involved in a brawl on Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Tangerang City.

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said the dozens of students were arrested on Wednesday, February 15, at 18.00 WIB.

"Students who gather at the place are suspected of having a brawl," Zain said in his statement, Thursday, February 16.

On the occasion, Zain said that his party did not find any sharp weapons (sajam) when the 80 students were arrested.

Therefore, his party only brought to the Tangerang Metro Police for data collection. Then they were also trained, in order to prevent them from carrying out similar activities.

"We summoned the parents and teachers of each of the students, after collecting data and coaching, at 22.30 WIB, they were allowed to return to their respective homes," he concluded, adding that the steps they took were anticipation so that there would be no brawls.

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