Sidak DPRD Bogor City, GOT A Room For SMPN 20 Almost Ambruk
Anggota DPRD Kota Bogor saat meninjau bangunan sekolah SMPN 20 yang hampir ambruk (DPRD/VOI)

BOGOR - One study room at SMPN 20 Bogor City is known to be inappropriate and almost collapsed. This was discovered after Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) on Tuesday, February 14.

The inspection carried out by Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD was led by the Chairman of Commission IV, Akhmad Saeful Bakhhri and was attended by members of Commission IV namely, Devi Prihatini Sultani, Pepen Firdaus, Lusiana Nurissiyadah, Eny Indari, Dody Hikmawan and Sri Kusnaeni.

The Group of Commission IV was welcomed by the Principal of SMPN 20 Bogor City, Dwi Nurharyani and immediately reviewed several points that needed intervention from the government, especially the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik).

Based on the results of the inspection, it is known that the library room at SMPN 20 Bogor City can no longer be used because the condition of the room is dangerous and feared to collapse. So that the IPA laboratory room under it also needs to be vacated.

"The condition of the room can no longer be used, because the floor is already shaking and dangerous. This needs to be intervened immediately," said Akhmad Saeful Bakhri in his statement.

Furthermore, the man who is familiarly called Gus M and his entourage from Commission IV reviewed the sheet piles around the school and found his condition worrying because there had been cracks, threatening the school building because it was prone to landslides.

"This is the new Kadisdik PR. Do not let this condition be allowed and become a disaster for students at school," said Gus M.

Based on a report from the Principal, Commission IV noted the lack of classrooms at SMPN 20 Bogor City. This is also illustrated by the conversion of the mosque into a learning room.

So Gus M asked the Bogor City Education Office to start mapping the problems and needs of schools in Bogor City. This is because school infrastructure needs to be a priority.

"Data collection on the problem of infrastructure needs to be carried out. Do not wait for a new disaster to occur. The new Head of Education and Culture must be able to resolve this, if it is not implemented we will take firm steps," he concluded.

Di lokasi yang sama, Kepala SeMPN 20 Kota Bogor, Dwi Nurharyani menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Komisi IV yang telah memberikan perhatian ke SMPN 20 Kota Bogor.

He also hopes that complaints and input from the school can be followed up and submitted to the Bogor City Education Office.

"Hopefully from this visit, our aspirations can be followed up and we would like to thank Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD for paying attention to our school," he concluded.

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