Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo gave a deadline for a week to districts and cities in Central Java to immediately input poverty data in their respective regions. According to him, synchronizing data is important so that poverty management in Central Java can be fast and on target.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after chairing the Central Java Poverty Management Coordination Meeting, at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Monday, February 13. Ganjar said that after making a working visit to several areas, he found a number of cities and districts that had not input poverty data.

"So today we are chasing it, so that their data can come in. Earlier there was a bid, I asked for 2 weeks. No! I'll only give you one week, if not, it won't be fast," he said.

Penanganan sektor dan sub sektor, kata Ganjar Pranowo, harus segera dilakukan oleh kabupaten kota. Misalnya penanganan pada faktor kemiskinan non makanan, misalnya jamban, listrik, rumah tak layak huni, hingga sekolah.

"So we ask for all the data there. Second, it is also internalized by stunting," he said.

From the evaluation, Ganjar continued, it is known that there are still regions that have not entered data for various reasons. Among other things, because the village head is categorized as poor, does not feel the village is poor.

"Well, this is a mindset. Tell me you don't have to be afraid, it's okay, for the sake of this people, for the sake of helping the people, so don't be prestige, don't be afraid for us to help," he said.

Related to this, Ganjar asked the regional head to maximize the role of the sub-district head as a supervisor to the villages. In next week's evaluation, said Ganjar, it is hoped that the results of the intervention will begin to show.

"Next week, we hope that the intervention will appear. Earlier, the idea came up. Good, 'Sir, we will encourage CSR in our Regency', 'Sir, we will move it through Baznas'. Now this is an existing creative example, there is even a district that develops it. That's why, next week, we will see the progress again. Don't continue to collect it," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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