Five students of Industrial Engineering at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), namely Andika Muhammad Zaky, Pandu Satya Wirawan, Muhammad Atsal Fadhil, Reyhani Rahmadita, and Afif collaborated to innovate medical check-ups that can be done by the community independently.

The innovation of the tools designed by the five students was named Meckup Machine or Medical Check Up Machine.

A member of the Mackup Machine designer team, Andika Muhammad Zaky, said that the tool's design was a lack of public awareness to thoroughly and routinely check health.

"In addition, the reason behind the creation of this independent check-up tool also started from a conversation with family and close friends regarding health checks. It turned out that many of them were rare, never even did. So, we took the initiative to make the tool," Zaky said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 12.

He explained that Meckup Machine is a machine that makes it easier for people to do medical check-ups, especially for those who have a middle to lower economy. There are several ways the machine works, which begins with payments via e-money by users by following the instructions listed on the screen. Then, users are asked to answer several questions about their medical history first.

Next, you can only do all the health tests on that machine. When finished, the user will get the final results of the check in the form of a receipt. If the user is indicated to have a disease, the user can choose the option to purchase first aid drugs.

"In this machine, there are several health checks, including checking height, eyes, blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen saturation, and swab tests. We designed all of these checks with self service services or independently. This machine also has good safety protection and is easy for the public to use," he said.

He explained that the process of designing the Meckup Machine took three months. The Machine Meckup, already exhibited in the 2023 UMM Industrial Engineering Design and Development Exhibition (P3) and won third place and as the best poster.

The plan is for this innovation to be proposed to the Cipta Student-Carre Creativity Program (PKM-KC).

"I hope that in the future we can continue the Meckup Machine project by adding various features. So, it can be widely used by people who have difficulty conducting comprehensive health checks at relatively low prices," said Andika Muhammad Zaky.

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