JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta City Government (Pemkot) together with the Central Jakarta Metro Police plan to conduct raids on students who gather on the side of the road. Because according to him, the association of students on the road has the potential for brawls.

"When there are students who gather or gather, we and the police will disperse the crowd," said Central Jakarta Mayor Dhany Sukma, Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

Dhany said, apart from dispersing the crowd of students, his party and the police would sweep students carrying sharp weapons (sajam). Because carrying a knife has the potential to cause casualties and brawls.

"We will intensify supervision of students in Central Jakarta, especially when the time comes home," he said.

Dhany said the school was also asked to carry out strict supervision. Starting from students entering school to school, supervision must be tightened by the school.

"Parents must also supervise their children, such as entering what time, where their whereabouts are until school their parents have to check the items brought," he said.

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