SUKABUMI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that 15 disasters occurred in Sukabumi Regency throughout January 2023.

"The landslide field dominated the disaster in January 2023," said the Manager of the Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) of the Sukabumi Regency BPBD, Daeng Sutisna in Sukabumi, West Java (West Java), Wednesday, February 1, as reported by Antara.

As for the details of the disaster incident according to local BPBD data for landslides as many as 7 incidents, strong winds or tornadoes there were 4 incidents, floods 2 incidents, ground movement 1 incident and other disasters one incident.

As a result of the disaster as many as six housing units were damaged, eight housing units were threatened and social and public facilities as well as seven other damaged facilities.

Then, for the affected residents as many as 14 families (KK) or 46 people. However, from dozens of these disasters, there were no injuries, let alone deaths.

"From the results of calculations and data collection, due to the disaster that occurred during January, the loss reached Rp190 million," he added.

Daeng said the 15 disasters were spread across 11 sub-districts and the most occurred in Ciemas District with four incidents, then Nagrak District with two incidents and one each incident in Cicantayan, Simpenan, Warungkiara, Cicurug, Purabaya, Cidolog, Cisolok, Kadudampit and Surade sub-districts.

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