TANGERANG - A photo that shows an elderly man (elderly) has gone viral on social media. Mentioned in the upload, the elderly has been expelled by his son-in-law.

"Friends who are Pandeglang residents, can help share, grandfather is throwing away Tangcity (Tangerang City) and his wife's family," wrote the Twitter account @Tanyarl_dilarang, Monday, January 30.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang City Metro Police, AKP Abdul Jana, confirmed the incident. He said that the elderly were found around Tangcity, Tangerang City, Sunday, January 29.

"(It's true) that the person concerned was right yesterday around Tangcity and last night on Sunday, January 29, he had returned to Pandeglang," Jana said in a short message, Monday, January 30.

Based on the information received, Jana said that the elderly had been seen several times in TangCity, Tangerang City.

Regarding the news that the elderly were expelled by their son-in-law, the police are still investigating.

For the next step, the elderly have been returned to their home area in Pandgelang, Banten. Then, his party also coordinated with the Health Service, Tangerang City.

"We have coordinated with the Tangerang City Social Service, if in the future the person concerned comes again, we will immediately coordinate again for handling," he concluded.

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