JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi alias Kak Seto plans to visit the house of the victim of sexual abuse in Rusunawa Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta to find out the actual incident of the case.

"Tomorrow I will monitor there. We will oversee the case. Tomorrow I will try to monitor North Jakarta," said Kak Seto when confirmed, Wednesday, January 18.

Kak Seto also said that he would coordinate with the North Jakarta Metro Police regarding the handling and arrest of the perpetrators of the sexual abuse.

"Meet the police chief to oversee the case," he said.

Meanwhile, North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan. He said that his party was still investigating the case. However, for further progress, he admitted that he did not know any further.

"Already (report). But the progress has not (received further information-ed)," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a young mother with the initials FD reported the alleged sexual abuse experienced by her toddler with the initials AN (3) to the North Jakarta Metro Police.

The alleged harassment incident occurred at a Rusunawa in Cilincing, North Jakarta on Thursday, January 12. And FD reported it at night.

"The case has been reported to the North Jakarta Police. I reported it 12 nights. I asked for a post-mortem. So at first I asked for a confession, just reported it to the police," said FD when confirmed, Tuesday, January 17.

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