YOGYAKARTA Predicate as a National Hero cannot just be pinned. The title is officially regulated by the state so that not everyone can submit a name. Then what are the requirements for obtaining the title of National Hero in Indonesia?

On the Indonesia.go.id page, it is explained that the title of national hero is a title given to Indonesian citizens or to people who have fought for independence and fought against invaders in Indonesia or died because of their efforts to defend the nation and state.

The title of National Hero is also given to people who produce important achievements and works in their lifetime for the sake of the Republic of Indonesia.

The requirements for granting the title of National Hero are regulated in Law Number 20 of 2009 concerning Titles, Services, and Honorary Signs. The following are general requirements that must be met according to articles 25 and 26.

In addition to the general requirements, potential recipients of the title of hero must also meet the special requirements, namely as follows.

The following is a procedure for submitting the title of National Hero. However, it should be noted that the submission is carried out after general and special conditions are met. The procedure is as follows.

That's information regarding the requirements for obtaining the title of National Hero. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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