Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim is staying at SMK Negeri 1 Entikong, West Kalimantan, near the Entikong State Border Post (PLBN).

"I deliberately chose to stay at the Entikong State Vocational School 1 because I wanted to know firsthand how the atmosphere of learning and what was lacking. At the same time I wanted to reminisce, because I also had been living in the dormitory for a long time while studying," said Nadiem in Sanggau, Wednesday, October 26, as reported by Antara.

He is grateful that he was able to be at the border school to listen to the aspirations of the students and teaching staff who were there.

"I know that this school has three teachers participating in the Mobilizing Teacher Program and dares to implement the Merdeka Curriculum. The spirit of transformation is extraordinary," he said.

The purpose of Minister Nadiem's presence at this front-ended regional school is to capture the aspirations of school residents in disadvantaged, frontier, outermost (3T) areas and to ensure that the benefits of the Free Learning policies and programs are felt by all stakeholders.

On that occasion, Nadiem explained, Merdeka Learning gave confidence back to school principals, teachers, and students. Schools are given autonomy. Teachers are given the freedom to focus on teaching and start to be separated from the administrative workload.

"Students are given the freedom to explore their interests and talents. I want to go through Merdeka Learning, going to school to be fun and really useful," he said.

For example, he said, the Vocational High School of Excellence which was launched as an episode of Merdeka Learning. If there is an industry that contributes, the Ministry of Education and Culture will also provide solid funds.

"Why did we do that? We want vocational schools in Indonesia to be fully connected to the industry," continued Minister Nadiem.

The adjustment to the use of the BOS Fund which is also one of the episodes of Merdeka Learning is also used as an example of the Minister of Education and Culture when he collaborates on what he means by providing autonomy to schools.

"BoS funds, which are now more in favor of schools in the 3T area, are also now being transferred directly to schools. We believe that the principal knows best what teachers and students need to achieve the best learning results," he said.

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