TANGERANG - Police arrested two men with the initials PP (25) and K (26). Both were arrested on suspicion of abusing methamphetamine. Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Pol Raden Romdhon Natakusuma said the two were arrested while carrying out narcotics transactions on the side of the road in Cangkudu Village, Balaraja, Tangerang Regency, Wednesday, August 24.

"Suspect PP and suspect K were arrested at around 3 pm when they were about to carry out a narcotics transaction of methamphetamine," said Raden, Wednesday, August 31.

On that occasion, Raden explained the mode of transaction by hiding the illicit goods in snack packages or snacks (Bengbeng).

"So the suspects are packaged in folds of tissue and hidden in snack packages or snacks," he said.

However, the police thwarted the action. During the arrest, the police found evidence of 4.75 grams of methamphetamine.

"We have secured evidence of 4.75 grams of methamphetamine packaged by the suspects," he said.

In addition, the police also secured the cell phones of the two suspects used to communicate shabu-shabu transactions.

Now the two perpetrators are charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a maximum threat of 20 years in prison.

"The suspect faces a minimum prison sentence of 5 years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison," he concluded.

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