BUKITTINGGI - The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra destroyed more than 70 kilograms of drugs from evidence in a general criminal case that had permanent legal force.

The drugs destroyed consisted of 66.4 kilograms of marijuana and 4.2 kilograms of methamphetamine. The destruction was carried out at the Bukittinggi Kejari yard, Wednesday.

Head of the Bukittinggi Attorney General's Office, Ferizal, said the destruction of drug evidence was a commitment by law enforcement officers to combat and eradicate narcotics abusers.

"This is our follow-up as executor in carrying out court decisions, to destroy evidence of general criminal cases that have permanent legal force or inkrah," said Ferizal.

He mentioned that the drugs destroyed came from 27 narcotics cases and other general crimes that had legal force.

"The details that we destroyed were 4,212.0972 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 66,401.3248 grams of marijuana," he said.

According to Ferizal, the extermination was also carried out in the context of the 62nd Adhyaksa Day of Service in 2022 accompanied by community activities.

"This year the theme is 'Legal Certainty, Humanity Towards Economic Recovery', the activities carried out include social services and the prosecutor's school program," he said.

Deputy Mayor of Bukittinggi, Marfendi, appreciates the extraordinary performance of law enforcement officers in Bukittinggi with many criminal cases being solved and revealed and having an impact on saving the nation's next generation.

"Happy Adhyaksa Day, hopefully it will be more victorious and increase the rule of law in Bukittinggi, regarding the destruction of this evidence, the more evidence of course the sadder it is, because this is proof that there are still many drug cases in Bukittinggi," he also said.

According to him, thousands of residents are threatened by the existence of drug trafficking in Bukittinggi, it takes extraordinary resilience, the destruction of this evidence is a form of Bukittinggi's seriousness in eradicating the drug problem.

"We need a strong collaboration to fight this drug, we can start from the family, so that the closeness of parents and children becomes the first shield in distancing themselves from the dangers of drugs, Bukittinggi is a war on drugs," he said again.

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