MEDAN - The Special Criminal Investigation Team (Pidsus) of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sumut) has examined four witnesses related to allegations of corruption over the function of a wildlife reserve forest area in Langkat Regency. June, confirmed the examination of four witnesses, from the seven witnesses who were summoned. Yos said that the four witnesses were being asked for information regarding the alleged land mafia in Langkat Regency, at the North Sumatra Attorney General's Office on Tuesday, June 21. Langkat Land Office in 2009-2012), SGT (former Head of Langkat Land Office in 2013), RM (former Head of Langkat Land Office), and R (former employee of a company that manages oil palm plantations," he was quoted as saying by Antara. Witness examination is carried out to strengthen evidence and complete filing in cases of alleged criminal acts of corruption over the function of mangrove forests u a wildlife sanctuary in Langkat Regency. Previously, to complete the data and files, the investigator team had conducted searches in two different places, and brought several documents, files, files and other data to complete the evidence. the framework of investigating the alleged corruption case related to the transfer of the function of the Karang Gading/Northeast Langkat Wildlife Area, Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency. The mangrove forest should be protected, not converted into an oil palm plantation with an area of ​​about 210 hectares.

Based on the findings in the field, there are as many as 28,000 oil palm trees growing on wildlife forest areas and 60 certificates of ownership rights have been issued in the names of individuals. The method uses farmer cooperatives, as if they are land owners and manage oil palm plantations, it turns out that the land is only controlled by one person. allegedly the land mafia. The North Sumatra Attorney General's Investigation Team has also carried out a plotting and determined the coordinates in the Karang Gading/Langkat Northeast Wildlife Forest area, Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency, and involved experts to conduct laboratory analysis tests soil and plant tissue samples from the laboratory.

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