VIDEO VOIducation: Examining The Immunity Of Lawyers, Free Or Restricted?
VIDEO VOIducation: Examining the Immunity of Lawyers, Free or Restricted? (VOI Video graphics team)

JAKARTA - Recently, the public has been enlivened by the feud of lawyers Hotman Paris Hutapea and Razman Nasution. Hotman Paris is said to have made a police report against Razman. Meanwhile, Razman said that as a lawyer who is defending his client, the right to immunity arises. Disputes between lawyers are not new. In the past, lawyers have often argued on social media. Starting from soft words, satire to high tension. Indeed, in Law No. 18 of 2003 in article 16, it is mentioned about the term immunity rights for lawyers who are defending their clients. However, is it free or limited? Check out the following review.

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