MEDAN - The panel of judges sentenced the former Mayor of Tanjungbalai, M Syahrial, to 4 years in prison. The judge stated that M Syahrial was found guilty of accepting a bribe of Rp. 100 million from the former Regional Secretary (Sekda) Tanjungbalai Yusmada.

Chief Justice Eliwarti stated that M Syahrial was legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 12 letter b of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes.

"Sentencing the defendant with 4 years in prison," said Eliwarti, Monday, May 30.

In addition, the Panel of Judges also sentenced Syahrial to pay a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison.

"To sentence the defendant to be deprived of the right to be elected for two years in public office, calculated after the defendant has served his main sentence," said the judge.

Responding to the judge's decision, both the defendant and the Public Prosecutor expressed their thoughts.

Meanwhile, the public prosecutor from the KPK, Zainal Abidin, expressed his appreciation for the judge's decision. His party assessed that the decision had fulfilled two-thirds of the prosecutor's demands.

"We'll see whether the defendant or the adviser file an appeal or not," said Zainal Abidin.

Previously, the KPK prosecutor demanded M Syahrial 4.5 years in prison in the bribery case of the former Secretary of the Tanjungbalai Yusmada. Currently, Syahrial is serving a two-year sentence in the case of bribing AKP investigator Robin in January 2022.

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