JAKARTA - The Governor of North Kalimantan, Zainal Arifin Paliwang, does not want there to be a spike in the prices of basic needs or basic necessities ahead of the Idul Fitri holiday in his region. For this reason, he instructed the relevant agencies to carry out supervision in the field.

The spike in food prices that occurs is usually in line with the increasing needs of the community.

"I have instructed that field supervision be carried out. There should not be a price spike," said Governor Zainal, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 22.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Kaltara Province, Suriansyah said that his party always monitors the stock and prices of basic needs. He received the latest information that the community's needs were still being met at an affordable price.

Even though there was an increase, he said, it was still only reasonable. However, ahead of the holiday, there is usually a spike, so the government continues to monitor it.

"The price is also still stable. If it goes up it won't be too much. We are grateful because our people are wise in buying and there is no panic. We will continue to monitor the D day with our team, including from distribution, it's a matter of availability, including price," said Suriansyah. .

If it is found that there is turmoil in the field, he said, the regional apparatus and the team will follow up. In addition, the North Kalimantan Provincial Government will carry out food operations such as holding a cheap market, bazaar and others to anticipate basic needs problems in the field.

If you look in the mirror from previous years, he said, some commodities sometimes experience price spikes ahead of Idul Fitri. Call it cooking oil, chili, to eggs.

"Alhamdulillah, until now we can still control it," said Suriansyah.

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