JAKARTA - A video circulated on social media of the beating and destruction of motorcycles belonging to online motorcycle taxis (ojol) in West Jakarta. The suspect is said to be a police officer.

Based on the video uploaded by the @jktnewss account, at first it seemed that an ojol was guiding his motorbike. Not long after, a man was shown wearing a black jacket and helmet.

The man appears to have hit the ojol's head several times. Luckily, the ojol was wearing a helmet.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan, who confirmed the incident, confirmed the beatings. However, so far it has not been ascertained that the perpetrators referred to are members of the Police.

Because, based on the results of the search for the Subbid Paminal Propam Polda Metro Jaya there has been no information and instructions regarding the identity of the perpetrator.

"Until now, the identity of the motorcyclist who claimed to be a member of the National Police and carried out this arrogant act has not been identified," Zulpan said when confirmed, Wednesday, April 6.

Regardless, Zulpan said the beating took place in the Kembangan area, West Jakarta, on April 3.

Based on information from an ojol driver named Pajar Nurdiansyah as the victim, this incident started when the perpetrator fell from his motorbike right next to him.

The perpetrator was immediately angry and cursed Pajar. He also asked him to take responsibility for the incident.

"The perpetrator explained to Fajar that he was a member of the National Police while taking out a firearm, then hit Pajar's head and asked for a SIM and STNK and took him away," said Zulpan.

In fact, the perpetrators also asked Pajar for compensation, the nominal amount was Rp. 1 million. However, even that request was rejected on the grounds that he did not have that much money.

"Because Pajar was not willing to give money, Pajar was beaten again and her motorbike was damaged with the excuse that she couldn't follow her," said Zulpan.

Until now, the police are still investigating the case. If the perpetrator is later proven to be a member of the National Police, then strict sanctions will be given.

"His actions can reduce the image and dignity of the Police in the eyes of the public," said Zulpan.

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