JAKARTA - Member of the DPR from the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction, Luqman Hakim, reacted to the insinuation of the Deputy Chairperson of the Gelora Party, Fahri Hamzah about the incident that happened to residents of Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo, Central Java.

Previously, Fahri Hamzah asked the attitude of members of the DPR for the constituency of Wadas Village, Bener District, Central Java regarding the tension between Wadas residents and police officers regarding land acquisition.

"Which members of the @DPR_RI WADAS constituency are you?," Fahri Hamzah wrote briefly.

Infuriated by the innuendo directed at members of the DPR for the Wadas Village Dapil, Luqman Hakim called Fahri Hamzah a beard politician. This reply was also made via a Twitter account.

The reason is, the Deputy Chair of Commission II of the DPR assessed that Fahri Hamzah only spoke from above, but never went directly to the grassroots in Wadas Village.

"What a beard politician! Perched on top not rooted down," wrote Luqman Hakim via his Twitter @LuqmanBeeNKRI, quoted Thursday, February 10.


Luqman said that the repression of the police against Wadas residents did not just happen yesterday, but this tension has existed since 2021. However, Fahri Hamzah is considered to have only known about the incident last Tuesday.

"Do you think that the repression of the apparatus against Wadas residents only happened yesterday? Ri, April 2021 the residents have experienced repression by the apparatus. Why are you surprised only now? It's too late!," said Luqman Hakim.

Luqman emphasized that the DPR has long taken a stand to deal with this tension.

"We have been defending the rights of Wadas Village residents for a long time," he said.

It is known, Luqman is a member of the House of Representatives for the Regional Elections VI Central Java. Previously, he asked the police to listen to the urging of Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, which urged the police to stop repression against Wadas residents.

"I ask that the National Police Chief withdraw all police forces from Wadas Village and its surroundings. When the people have become victims, whatever the arguments used, common sense and conscience cannot accept them," Luqman told reporters, Thursday, February 10.

He also alluded to the results of the 34th NU Congress which said that taking people's land was unlawful. Therefore, Luqman reminded, the land acquisition process must be carried out by way of deliberation by guaranteeing the maximum benefit for the people who have land rights.

"The 34th NU congress decided that it is illegal to seize people's land even if it is for and in the name of the state's interests," said Luqman.

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