JAKARTA - Bahar bin Smith asked all parties to listen to his viral lecture in its entirety. In his lecture, Bahar Smith not only criticized the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman but also praised him.

Bahar Smith's statement was read by constitutional law expert Refly Harun through the Youtube channel, @Refly Harun, reported by VOI on Monday, December 20.

The criticism that Bahar meant to Army Chief of Staff Dudung was about his controversial statement that 'God is not an Arab' some time ago. According to Bahar Smith, this is a big mistake because it likens God to creatures.

"I said that he was wrong to say that because he likened Allah to creatures. His name is a person he sees with his eyes, hears with his ears, speaks with his tongue, touches with his hands, walks with his feet and feels with his heart. I said that was wrong and be careful it can lead to apostasy," said Bahar Smith.

Bahar Smith then asked Army Chief of Staff Dudung to remain silent if he didn't really understand religion. Not only 'God is not an Arab,' Bahar Smith also supports a policy that is considered good for the people and society.

One of them is about the recruitment of students to join as TNI personnel. To his congregation, Bahar emphasized that good things that need to be supported must be supported.

"It's like he (Dudung, ed) wants to recruit santri to become the TNI. That's a good thing and we must support it, I convey to the congregation, do you support Dudung's good policy or not? The congregation immediately said support. wrong, yes, I said right," said Bahar.

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