JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives from the NasDem faction, Hillary Brigitta Lasut, emphasized that requests for assistance in TNI security were carried out independently without asking for facilities from the state. According to him, the request is in accordance with Ministerial Regulation No. 85 of 2014. In which, the Belied regulates the professional personnel of TNI soldiers who serve outside the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Armed Forces. "As far as I know, it's not clearly stated (in Ministerial Regulation 85/2014). But with me, the welfare of soldiers and their living expenses are clearly my personal responsibility, thereby reducing the burden on state spending as well," said Hillary to VOI, Thursday, December 2. "So there is no such thing as asking for free security assistance," he continued. The legislator for the North Sulawesi constituency underlined that the request for assistance in securing the TNI was made personally, not using the frills of a member of the DPR from the NasDem Party. So according to him, there is no need to ask for permission for the purposes of independent escort to the NasDem Faction of the DPR RI. "This is my personal business related to my security, because the case is in the electoral district. So I did not ask permission from the faction," he explained. "The independent request that I made regarding the security of myself and my family is not a faction's business, so there is no need to add to the burden of the party dealing with the concerns and impacts of my decision for the security of me and my family," added Hillary. Hillary then mentioned that if there are officials who do not have sensitive issues, they are escorted by fully armed personnel but there is no problem. However, he did not mention who he was referring to. "It's funny when an official, a healthy man who doesn't criticize much or deal with big-bodied extreme groups comes with greatness and fully armed patrols, and doesn't matter to anyone," quipped Hillary. 25 years old and currently dealing with a serious case, and often has disagreements with strong people asking for security assistance from the TNI. Moreover, there are concerns from his family. He emphasized that his request was not for the sake of being arrogant and arrogant. But it was purely a necessity because he was fighting for his duties as a representative of the people.

"I asked for security assistance because my father, who was far away worried about my personal political movement, which often clashed with many parties. I didn't want to be limited when I worked for the community just because I was afraid of being threatened, women were underestimated. said Hillary.

"I am a woman who has become an open secret, wanting to be considered equal in terms of mental capacity and ideas is already difficult, let alone fighting for something crucial, such as the land case, and so on," she continued. Hillary added that what he did was in accordance with the procedures and the rules of the gang.

"I did everything according to the procedure and there was a scene. If it was unprocedural, it would not be crowded, but my ideals that I have maintained all this time will collapse," said Hillary.

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