BUKITTINGGI - Jokowi Mania Volunteers (Joman) declared Ganjar Pranowo Mania (GP Mania) West Sumatra (West Sumatra) and their organizational structure centered in Bukittinggi City today.

The declaration was held in one of the hotels and carried the theme "Ganjar The Next Jokowi." The declaration was led directly by the Chairman of the DPP Jokowi Mania (Joman), Immanuel Ebenezer.

"Why did we choose Ganjar Pranowo, because the consideration is that we as 1998 activists, we want continuity after Jokowi to be maintained, and the person who approaches and matches him is Ganjar," Immanuel said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 24.

He said that Joman and GP Mania both support the ideals of President Jokowi, who leads with real work and has not been owned by previous leaders.

"This simple and refusing to be cult is compatible with Ganjar Pranowo, we are proud of Jokowi who was given the space to continue to express criticisms of the current government," he said.

According to him, the organizational structure of the West Sumatra GP Mania is expected to be a mouthpiece to provide honest and clean information to the Minangkabau community.

"We don't want the public in particular to believe in dirty and hoax narratives, we must be a mouthpiece to provide honest and clean information, no more hatred will arise in future political battles," he said.

He hopes that the management of the West Sumatra GP Mania can become a pioneer in Indonesia by going on a non-partisan path.

"We make sure that we are not part of the party, meaning we all support anyone who has the same idea as us, is flexible and is not bound by party rules, one of which can focus on eradicating corruption, which is a big task in this country," he said.

He believes that the West Sumatra GP Mania can become an organization that is eager to face the 2024 political battle.

"GP mania must be militant, hopefully it will inspire in the 2024 political battle, we are the only ones who dare to declare support for Ganjar Pranowo, West Sumatra as the birthplace of nationalist figures we strongly believe is open to its traditional culture for democracy and opinions," he said.

The Chairperson of the Joman DPP together with the Secretary General of Joman, Gozali Harahap inaugurated the management of the West Sumatra GP Mania 2021-2026 with several names such as the Chair of the West Sumatra GP Mania, Asmara Dewi, Deputy John Martin Secretary Dedi S, Treasurer Astrid and several Division Heads.

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