JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir issued an important message to Pertamina's Board of Directors after visiting a toilet in Malasan District, Probolinggo, East Java (East Java).

This was uploaded by Erick on his personal Instagram page, @erickthohir reported Monday, November 22. In the caption of the upload, Erick wrote, "This is my message to colleagues at Pertamina, from the public toilets of Pertamina gas stations, Malasan District, Probolinggo."

In the video, Erick is seen conversing with an officer about how much to pay when entering the toilet.

The guard also explained to Erick, to urinate, you have to pay Rp. 2,000. While bathing or other matters, you have to pay Rp. 4,000.

"Why isn't it free, it's a public facility," Erick asked the guard.

"I don't know sir, I'm just working," replied the guard.

The guard then explained that the toilet belonged to a man named Agus. Erick also looked surprised, why every visitor had to pay when entering the toilet.

Erick then gave a message to the Pertamina Board of Directors.

"To Pertamina's Board of Directors, I hope that facilities like this should be free, because they can sell gasoline, already there is a convenience store, the public should get additional facilities for Pertamina's directories to repair it,"

"I ask Pertamina's directors to fix it. And I ask that later all gas stations that cooperate with Pertamina, the toilets can't be paid for, they must be free!," said Erick.

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