After Being Freed, Child Abuser In Kramat Jati Finally Arrested

JAKARTA - Members of the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) arrested an obscene perpetrator with the initials D. Head of PPA East Jakarta Metro Police Iptu Sri Yatmini confirmed the arrest of the perpetrator of the molestation.

"That's right (we have arrested the perpetrator), we have arrested the perpetrator," said Iptu Sri when contacted by VOI, Thursday, August 24.

The suspect was arrested after the victim's parents with the initials EW reported the sexual abuse case that happened to his daughter on Jalan Dukuh III, Dukuh Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. The perpetrator molested the victim at his home.

Meanwhile, EW, the victim's parents, hoped that the police would impose severe sanctions on the perpetrators.

"Just got the news, the perpetrator has been detained. Hopefully (the perpetrator) will not be released and given the appropriate punishment," said EW to VOI.

Meanwhile, EW reported the incident at the Central Jakarta Metro Police with a police report numbered LP/B/127/I/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKTIM/POLDA METRO JAYA on January 15, 2023. The incident occurred on Friday, January 13, 2023.

In the report letter, the perpetrator with the initials D is suspected of Article 76 E Jo 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 17/2016 Ttg PA for obscene acts against children.

Previously, it was reported that a girl with the initials NB (6) became a victim of sexual abuse by a middle-aged man with the initials D in the perpetrator's house located in Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. Ironically, the perpetrator of sexual abuse is the victim's neighbor.

According to EW's statement, the victim's parents, the indecent incident was carried out at the perpetrator's house.

"Yes (the perpetrator) is only about 200 meters from my house. (The incident) is inside the perpetrator's house. (the perpetrator) is usually called Bang D," said EW when confirmed by VOI, Monday, August 21.

The victim was lured by money by the perpetrator during sexual harassment.