Salaries Of Village Heads Completed Old Positions To Their Duties And Authoritys

YOGYAKARTA The village head's salary is the subject of a warm discussion after hundreds of village heads held a demonstration at the Senayan Parliament Building, Tuesday, January 17. They demanded that the village head's term be extended from 6 years to 9 years old.

As is known, the village head (Kades) is the position given to lead a village. This position is recognized as part of the government. However, the employee status of the village head is not a Civil Servant (PNS).

A village head was chosen by the village community through the village head's scheme or the choice of the village head. This means that one must meet the requirements to become a village head so that he can take part in the village head election.

It should be noted that there are differences in the village head and village head, one of which is in the employment status. The village head has the status of a civil servant, while the village head does not. Then how much is the village head's salary received per month?

The village head's salary is regulated by the Government through Government Regulation (PP) No. 11 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to PP No. 43 of 2014 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages.

In Article 81 paragraph 1 (one) it is stated that the income received by the village head and other village officials is taken from the Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APB) whose source comes from the Village Fund Allocation.

Meanwhile, the amount of income from the village head is explained in Article 81 paragraph 2 (two), it is said that the amount of income is determined by the regent/mayor. The nominal salary received by the village head is at least Rp2,426,640.00 equivalent to 120% of the basic salary of civil servants class II/A;

Quoted from the official website of the Kebumen Regency Government, the task of the village head is as follows.

In carrying out his duties, a village head also has a lot of authority related to the village government, which is as follows.

Meanwhile, the rights possessed by the village head are as follows.

That's information related to village head salaries. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.