NATUNA - Riau Islands Province began sending Logistics for the 2024 General Elections Commission (KPU) of Natuna Regency.

The head of the Natuna Regency KPU, Kusnaidi, when contacted by telephone from Bintan, Saturday, said that the election logistics was in the form of a ballot booth.

"968 units of ballot booths have been sent on Friday at 19.00 WIB," he said as reported by Antara.

The logistics are transported by roll on - roll off (Ro-Ro) or KMP Bahtera Nusantara 01 from Bintan Island.

"The delivery was smooth and safe because the logistics were put in a box car and the box door of the goods was sealed," he said.

Kusnaidi explained that the sound booth was made of duplex carton materials that were waterproof.

"No security forces follow the van," he said.

Arriving at Natuna, he said, logistics were immediately taken to the KPU warehouse under escort from the police.

"The police chief is there, with the Head of the Intelligence Unit, there is also right at the port," said Kusnaidi.

Meanwhile, Head of Subsipenmas Sihumas Natuna Adjunct Police Inspector Dua David Arviad said that the purpose of the escort was to secure logistics for the 2024 General Election which was sent from Riau Islands Province.

"Those who come for the ballot booth, don't know what to do yet," said David.

In addition to escorting, his party also checked the warehouse before the logistics entered.

"We checked the warehouse," said David.

Apart from the police, the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Natuna Regency also went down to oversee the logistics.

"We are attached to surveillance," said the Head of Bawaslu Natuna Siswandi Regency.

Siswandi ensured that logistics were safe and not damaged.

"We monitored it until it was demolished," said Siswandi.

Kepada Kapolres Siswandi mengucapkan terima kasih karena telah membantu mengawal logistik pemilu tersebut.

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