
JAKARTA - The fisheries startup from Indonesia, eFishery, appointed Adhy Wibison as the temporary Chief Executive Officer (CEO), replacing Gibran Huzaifah, who has been the founder and CEO of eFishery since 2013.

Not only Gibran, eFishery also appointed Albertus Sasmitra, as the interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO), replacing Adhy who previously sat as CFO.

"Decisions were taken with the company's shareholders, as a form of commitment to improve good corporate governance," wrote one eFishery representative in an official statement, quoted Tuesday, December 17.

This notification appeared when previously, the DealStreetAsia report, said that Gibran and CPO Chrisna Aditya were being investigated for alleged misuse of company financial income.

As a result of this ongoing investigation, the two parties were temporarily relieved of their position.

However, eFishery insists that they are aware of the seriousness of this issue, and are committed to paying full attention to resolving the problem.

We understand the seriousness of the issues that are currently circulating and we respond with full attention. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards in corporate governance and ethics in the company's operations, "said the eFishery.

eFishery is a startup founded by Gibran Huzaifah as founder and Chrisna Aditya as co-founder in 2013.

Pada 2023, eFishery berstatus "Unicorn" dengan pendanaan seri D sebesar 200 juta dolar AS atau setara dengan sekitar Rp 3 triliun, sebagaimana dikutip KompasTekno dari halaman resmi eFishery.

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