
CI GamesとHexworksは、Souls- likeゲームLord of the FallenがGone Goldステータスであるか、開発が完了し、発売の準備ができていることを正式に発表しました。



Lampbearer, we offer glad tidings for Lords of the Fallen has officially Gone Gold, launching October 13th. To mark this momentous occasion, next week we'll open the HEXWORKS Dev Journals, when we’ll endevour to answer your burning questions.https://t.co/TzSBASDcjZ pic.twitter.com/Niui8VgDqo

— LORDS OF THE FALLEN (@lotfgame) August 24, 2023

Lampbearer, we offer glad tidings for Lords of the Fallen has officially Gone Gold, launching October 13th. To mark this momentous occasion, next week we'll open the HEXWORKS Dev Journals, when we’ll endevour to answer your burning questions.https://t.co/TzSBASDcjZ pic.twitter.com/Niui8VgDqo


「この重要なイベントを記念して、来週HEXWORKS Dev Journalsを開き、あなたの重要な質問に答えるために一生懸命努力します」とスタジオは書いています。




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