
JAKARTA - Samsung Indonesia together with KINCIR today launched its latest initiative to produce an esport team for Mobile Legends: the best Bang Bang in Indonesia through a series of Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy activities.

This program is a tangible form of Samsung's commitment to continue to support the progress of the country's esports industry. The team that leaves as the best team at the end of this series of activities will have the opportunity to get a wildcard towards the President's Cup Esport (PPE 2023).

Registration for the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy program participants has been open from May 23 to June 12. Participants who register will then go through a selection process to be selected into the 32 best teams which will be divided into 4 batches and compete offline in the elimination round to produce the 8 best teams to enter the bootscamp stage.

The selected team can later have the opportunity to stay in the gaming house (GH) and get direct coaching for the Galaxy Coach such as Coach Bangduk, Coach Adi, Coach KB, and Coach Tezet.

After going through the bootscamp stage, the participants will then enter the tournament as a means of proof of the abilities and talents they have received during the training to become pro players.

"We see that esports is an ecosystem that needs support from various sides. Starting from innovation, facilities, to support for industrial development," said Andi Airin as Head of Marketing - MX Samsung Electronics Indonesia in a statement in Jakarta.

Since 3 years ago Samsung has also been actively providing support for the development of the esports world, such as providing support for the President's Cup Esports (PPE), 3 years supporting MPL Indonesia, to becoming the sponsor of MLBB Women's Invitational (MWI) 2023.

Meanwhile, KEY AS the organizer of the Esports President's Cup also appreciated Samsung's steps towards the implementation of the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy. The Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy activity is in line with the vision and mission of KEYR who also wants to advance Indonesian esports.

"As one of the media that is committed to advancing the country's esports industry, KINCIR really appreciates the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy program which is held. KINCIR also contributed to this initiative with the opportunity for one of Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy's best teams to join the 2023 Esports President Cup tournament," said Rangga Danu Prasetyo as CEO of KEY.

Furthermore, Rangga hopes that the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy program can produce new talents who can carry the fragrance of Indonesia's name on the international stage and also become a bridge for everyone who wants to develop themselves in the field of esports and will encourage the development of the Indonesian esports industry.

Activities like this can certainly have a positive impact and can present new faces that will become pro players, especially in the Mobile Legends esports scene: Bang Bang. With the upgrade skills they get from this activity, it can increase the competitiveness of talent esports from the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy which continues to color the country's competitive esports scene," said Martinus H. Manurung as Head of Business Development Esports Moonton Indonesia.

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