
JAKARTA - Apple must prepare because Honor CEO Zhao Ming plans to overtake his most reliable Operating System (OS), iOS. The company has set a vision to create a better one.

According to Ming at a recent event held at the Litbang Honor center in Shenzhen, China, despite Apple's reputation for quality and innovation, the smartphone hardware and design of the technology giant Cupertino, United States (US), is lower than many Android phones.

Including the said Ming series Honor Magci5. Likewise with the battery life of Apple devices which did not escape criticism.

Furthermore, Ming also said 10 percent of the company's total revenue would be allocated to R&D. Possibly because of that, Ming is confident to compete with Apple, reflecting Honor's commitment to building a game-changing OS.

The company plans to improve MagicOS 7.0 performance with the aim of matching or surpassing iOS experience.

Honor aims to outperform Apple in terms of smooth OS and ecosystem development, building its own core capabilities, as quoted by GizmoChina, Monday, May 8.

Finally, they will also prioritize a smooth, reliable, and powerful user experience. For information released from Android Headline, Honor was originally formed as a sub-brand of Chinese technology giant Huawei.

However, the brand separated from its parent company in 2020 due to US sanctions, and is now part of Shenzhen Zhixin's New Information Technology.

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