
JAKARTA - Today, November 3, is an important date for citizens of the United States to exercise their voting rights. Twitter has confirmed that it will label tweets that make misleading claims regarding the results of the presidential election before the official announcement.

The move was taken to reduce unilateral claims and other misinformation spreading on Twitter. As quoted from Engadget, this labeling has previously been applied to filter out misinformation related to COVID-19.

Later this Twitter labeling will filter out uploads related to the voting process through letters and fake reports related to quick count results. In addition, Twitter hopes its users will be wiser before retweeting quotes from invalid sources.

This notification and labeling will appear every time a user will like or reply to someone else's upload. In the label, Twitter will also embed a website link showing the official results of the US Presidential Election, including a local national news page.

"If we see content that incites election disruption, encourages acts of violence or other physical injury, we may take additional action, such as adding a warning or requesting removal of the Tweet," said Twitter.

The process of tagging tweets has become increasingly popular since the rampant misinformation regarding COVID-19. Therefore, Twitter is trying hard to filter out information and posts that will worsen the situation both during the Presidential Election and the official inauguration of the US President.

"We believe this is the right thing to do to protect the integrity of the conversation surrounding the elections while the count is taking place and before the results are announced by state authorities," Twitter said.

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