JAKARTA - Nearly two-thirds of women in the UK military have experienced intimidation, sexual harassment and discrimination during their careers, a landmark parliamentary report revealed on Sunday.
The UK defense subcommittee, which described its investigation into the treatment of women in the military as one of the most important in its history, said 62 respondents said they had experienced some form of bullying, harassment or discrimination while on duty.
This data was obtained from the testimonies of more than 4,100 women who testified for the report. Including those who testified were British military staff and veterans.
Testimony, given in classified and public evidence, includes mass rape, drug sexual assault, sexual exploitation of under-18s and 'trophies' or contests to 'bag women' in camps or on ships.
Some women also claim they were bullied for resisting sexual advances and witnessing groups of men 'attack' their friends. but 'too afraid to report it'.
"The military has come a long way in recent years. But it's clear to us that the military is in many ways a men's world," Sarah Atherton, chair of the women's subcommittee on the Armed Forces, said in a statement.

He added, 'the complaints system, as it stands, is woefully inadequate and leaves most feeling unable to move forward'.
Atherton also said while many commanders wanted to 'do the right thing', female staff were let down by the chain of command, explaining allegations that 'senior officers are sweeping complaints under the carpet to protect their reputations and careers'.
Drawing on the report, Atherton suggested serious sexual offenses should not be tried in military courts, given the sentencing rate 'four to six times lower than in ordinary courts. He said female soldiers were being 'denied justice'.
The report is the first of its kind, with the Ministry of Defense (MoD) lifting restrictions that used to prevent service personnel from contributing to parliamentary investigations.
Following the publication of the report, the Ministry of Defense said in a post on Twitter: "Oppression and harassment is completely unacceptable in the Armed Forces, and we are committed to eliminating all inappropriate behavior."
Despite their testimony, nine out of ten female service staff would still recommend a career in the military, Atherton said.
"Now that the issue of military women has been exposed, it is time we start protecting those who protect us and make changes for the better for our Armed Forces, for all who serve," she concluded.
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