
JAKARTA - News about student demonstrations protesting against the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has spread on social media. By carrying the tagline 'Jokowi End Game', students want to protest against the policy of implementing Emergency PPKM.

Sure enough. On Saturday, July 24 today, the police smelled the action by detaining 6 people consisting of students and civilians. The plan, they want to do a long march from Glodok, West Jakarta to the state palace.

Lecturer of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI), Ade Armando also commented on this student action plan. According to him, this action was ridden by politicians who wanted to overthrow the Jokowi government.

"I do not believe that the Jokowi End Game campaign is a pure student movement based on a serious study of the condition of Indonesia. This is a movement of idiots and because they are stupid it is easily exploited by politicians who aspire to overthrow Jokowi," explained Ade Armando through CokroTV's Youtube show, Saturday, July 24.

From the information obtained, there were several student leaders who mobilized this action. For example, continued Ade, a student political block organization led by Pedro Marhaen with a plan of simultaneous action for days. In the call for action received, it was stated that this movement would conduct a long march from Glodok to the State Palace.

Then there is also the Ampera movement, aka the Mandate of People's Suffering, which is reportedly inspired by the student movement against PPKM in Bandung some time ago.

Ade added that the student activists who organized this action openly stated that their goal was to overthrow the legitimate government to paralyze the economy.

"Because it becomes relevant perhaps to realize that their action will start from Glodok to the palace. Why Glodok? Yes, because it is one of Jakarta's business centers which is filled with medium and small entrepreneurs," explained Ade.

This student movement is not at all based on the desire to improve the state of the nation. The goal is to create chaos. "Anyway, Jokowi must step down. The fact that the government is struggling to overcome the COVID outbreak is not important," explained Ade.

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