
JAKARTA - The implementation of the Emergency PPKM which was followed by PPKM Level 4 received serious attention from the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. He carried out inspections and surveillance at a number of points including the public transportation sector such as the Jakarta MRT.

PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) in an effort to support PPKM again made changes by speeding up operational times starting Saturday, July 24. Plt. PT MRT Jakarta Corporate Secretary Division Head Ahmad Pratomo explained the policy for the Jakarta MRT operational time to be Monday - Friday from 06.00 WIB to 20.30 WIB.

Anies Baswedan.(Insgaram @aniesbaswedan
Anies Baswedan.(Insgaram @aniesbaswedan

"Meanwhile, Saturday-Sunday (weekends) or holidays at 06.00 WIB to 20.00 WIB," said Ahmad in Jakarta, Friday, July 23.

There is also the distance between trains (headway) on weekdays every 10 minutes, while on weekends and holidays every 20 minutes. The MRT also imposes a limit on the number of users as much as 65 people per train.

PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) continues to implement a number of policies related to the implementation of Emergency PPKM, and will continue to take various adaptive steps in fulfilling the company's commitments.

Petugas memeriksa Surat Tanda Registrasi Pekerja (STRP) bagi penumpang MRT Jakarta di Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus, Jakarta. (Dok Antara)
Officers check Worker Registration Certificates (STRP) for MRT Jakarta passengers at Lebak Bulus MRT Station, Jakarta. (Intermediate Doc)

This is to support the government in efforts to overcome the pandemic so that it can run optimally. In addition, MRT Jakarta will continue to strive to ensure the availability of healthy, safe and comfortable public transportation accessibility for people who still have to do activities during this Emergency PPKM period.

To find out more detailed information regarding the MRT Jakarta operational time policy, the public can access it through MRT Jakarta's social media accounts.

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