
BEKASI - The Governor of West Java (Jabar) Ridwan Kamil officially inaugurated the Acting Regent of Bekasi, Dani Ramdan, at the West Java Governor's Office House, Pakuan building.

Ridwan Kamil said filling the vacancy for the regional head is a mandate of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of government regulations in lieu of laws related to the election of governors, regents and mayors which have been stipulated through the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 131.32-1374 on July 21.

"The presence of the Acting Regent of Bekasi is expected to lead the implementation of government affairs which are the authority of the region in accordance with the provisions of the legislation," he said, after leading the inauguration process, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 22.

Kang Emil instructed the Acting Regent of Bekasi to immediately carry out his duties, especially regarding the handling of COVID-19, with the hope that the corona virus pandemic in West Java, especially Bekasi Regency, could be more controlled.

"I will immediately go downstairs to coordinate the handling of the pandemic as the Chair of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. Hopefully with the presence of Mr. Dani Ramdan who is also the Head of BPBD, the handling of this pandemic can be more controlled," he said.

The Governor of West Java also expressed his gratitude to the Bekasi Regency DPRD for carrying out the Plenary Announcement of the Dismissal of Eka Supria Atmaja as Bekasi Regent for the 2017-2022 term.

Kang Emil advised Dani Ramdan to immediately establish communication with the DPRD, community, political, religious, social, and youth leaders of Bekasi Regency.

Then make the transition to the process of proposing the Deputy Regent of Bekasi properly and correctly in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, measurable, and transparent in coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"We all know that the filling of the Bekasi Deputy Regent is still in the process at the Ministry of Home Affairs, the presence of the Acting Bekasi Regent is expected to be able to lead government affairs," he continued.

Kang Emil also asked that the process of strengthening COVID-19 control could be much better under the leadership of Dani Ramdan, especially the reason Dani was chosen because of his duties as the Chief Executive of West Java BPBD.

"Don't forget that three principles are always applied, one integrity, two serve wholeheartedly, and always high professionalism. I think that's all I can say. Congratulations on duty, there is no word for rest, gaspol immediately comes down and makes Bekasi Regency the best during this pandemic in all fields, especially in the short term in handling COVID-19," said Ridwan Kamil.

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