
PADANG - The Padang City Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) arrested a child with the initials GS (16) in a case of alleged mistreatment of students which resulted in the victim's death

The incident occurred on Tuesday morning, on Jalan Bypass Kilometer 11 at around 03.00 WIB. The perpetrator was arrested by the police on Tuesday, July 20 last night at around 22.00 WIB

"Both the perpetrator and the victim are still children and both are still students," said Head of the Padang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Rico Fernanda in a press statement, in Padang, Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

He said GS (16) who had undergone a legal process would be charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code and 351 of the Criminal Code.

He said that the incident began when the victim and 8 of his friends crossed Jalan By Pass Padang, Kilometer 11. The FA victim was riding with the victim AN.

"While crossing Jalan By Pass early that morning, the victim saw a group of about 15 perpetrators," he said.

Seeing this, the FA victim and his friends immediately turned around to escape, but were chased by a group of perpetrators.

There was also a motorcycle chase, with a group of perpetrators chasing after carrying blunt and sharp weapons.

In the midst of the chase, the perpetrator GS allegedly threw a wooden block at the victim, causing both of them to fall.

"After falling, the perpetrator again took a wooden block and threw it at the victim's leg, Dika, after that, he immediately left the scene," he said.

As a result of the incident, the victim FA died, while the victim AN was still undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Responding to this incident, Police Commissioner Rico Fernanda reminded parents to supervise their respective children, especially at night activities.

"If there is no interest or need, children should be prohibited from going out at night for security and safety," he said again.

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