
JAKARTA - The slaughter of sacrificial animals during the COVID-9 pandemic continues to be closely monitored. This was carried out by the Head of the East Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Sub-Department (KPKP), Yuli Absari, who continues to monitor that the process of slaughtering qurban in his area continues to apply health protocols.

Yuli said that based on a review of the East Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. (Sudin) in 89 locations for slaughtering sacrificial animals, no violations of health protocols (prokes) were found.

"The committee is really limited and most of the committees have their temperatures checked. In fact, some of them have been swab tested," Yuli said in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Yuli added that the committee for slaughtering sacrificial animals also immediately distributed meat to residents in their homes to prevent crowds. "The meat was also directly handed over by the committee to the residents," said Yuli.

Yuli said the number of 89 places for slaughtering sacrificial animals did not include slaughterhouses (RPH). The data may still increase because some locations have not yet slaughtered sacrificial animals. "The data is not final because there is still Tasyrik day," said Yuli.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through Governor's Appeal number 11 of 2021 regarding the implementation of Eid al-Adha 1442 H prohibits the slaughter of sacrificial animals from being carried out in the COVID-19 red zone area.

In addition, residents are also not allowed to witness the slaughter of sacrificial animals directly. The committee and the COVID-19 task force in each region were also advised to distribute sacrificial meat directly to residents' homes.

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