
JAKARTA - The government will increase the budget for the Pre-Employment Card program by up to Rp. 10 trillion. From the beginning of Rp. 20 trillion, it has now become Rp. 30 trillion.

This is as part of social protection during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Pre-Employment Card Stimulus is part of the additional social assistance budget of Rp. 39.9 trillion provided by the government during the Java-Bali Emergency PPKM.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said the budget increase was made because the survey results showed the pre-employment card program was proven to help job seekers or those who were laid off during the pandemic.

"We will add another Rp 10 trillion, so that the Pre-Employment Card program can add 2.8 million participants, bringing the total budget to Rp 30 trillion for a total of 8.4 million," he said, quoted from the Cabinet Secretariat YouTube, Sunday, July 18.

Meanwhile, the design for this additional Pre-Employment Card program is still the same as what was done before. Each beneficiary will receive a training fee of Rp. 1 million and an incentive of Rp. 600 thousand per month for four months.

The total amount of assistance received was Rp. 2.4 million. In addition, there is a Rp. 50 thousand fund for each time you fill out a survey.

Previously, the Special Staff of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Raden Pardede, said that last year's pre-employment card program recipients reached 5.9 million recipients. The program is divided into eleven waves with the number of registrants reaching 65.1 million people from 514 regencies/cities from 34 provinces.

Meanwhile, recipients of the Pre-Employment Card program in the first semester of 2021 reached 2.81 million people divided into six waves. The details of the Pre-Employment Card recipients in the first semester of 2021 are 2.77 million people who have purchased the training, 2.71 million people have completed the training, and 2.66 million people have received incentives.

"As much as Rp5.59 trillion of incentives have been distributed," he said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, July 7.

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