
JAKARTA - Residents of Central Java who are self-isolating (Isoman) due to COVID-19 are asked to report to the environmental management. Like the local RT or RW.

This will make it easier for government officials to distribute drug aid and monitor their condition. This was conveyed by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

"Our plan is to get medicine packages to help people who are positive for COVID-19. I ask for the community's help. Come on, those who are currently self-isolating at home and haven't reported it yet, report it now," he said in Semarang, as reported by Antara, Friday, July 16.

"If this is done, in addition to facilitating the distribution of drugs, it will also improve the database (master data) of residents who are self-isolating at home so that they hope their progress can be monitored," he added.

The governor has coordinated with Kodam IV/Diponegoro to optimize data collection on residents undergoing self-isolation with the support of the Village Trustees (Babinsa).

"I hope the RT/RW and the village head/lurah will report immediately, later we will back up (support) with the Pangdam, hopefully in a day or two the reports will come in," he said.

Ganjar said that the government would distribute 300 thousand drug packages for COVID-19 sufferers who are undergoing self-isolation and in the first stage it would distribute 100 thousand drug packages to several parts of Indonesia, including Central Java.

However, according to him, there has been no government determination regarding the quota of free drug packages for Central Java Province.

"For how much the allocation is, we haven't got the figures. Previously, the figures were conveyed, but that's just a simulation that still needs to be refined," he said.

"For medicine, the information will come tomorrow," he added.

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