JAKARTA - Chairman of the Pro-Democracy Activist Network Council (ProDEM) Iwan Sumule, criticized the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, who told about his activities while undergoing Emergency PPKM.
Iwan then questioned Mahfud's seriousness in helping President Jokowi deal with the pandemic. He couldn't believe it, the minister who was also responsible for controlling the pandemic was actually busy watching the soap opera Ikatan Cinta.
Moreover, Mahfud seemed to be given the opportunity to watch television in the midst of the Emergency PPKM policy due to the increasingly violent COVID-19.
"I emphasize Mahfud MD's seriousness in dealing with COVID-19. Because it can be fun watching soap operas during Emergency PPKM," said Iwan, Friday, July 16.
On the one hand, Iwan also asked President Jokowi to put more effort into overcoming the pandemic that has been going on for more than a year. Moreover, daily cases continue to hatch new records.
In addition, Vice President Maruf Amin said that the government was helter-skelter in dealing with COVID-19.
It is known that Mahfud MD's story was engrossed in watching soap operas loved by mothers, which was tweeted on his Twitter account.
"PPKM gave me the opportunity to watch the soap opera Ikatan Cinta. It's fun too, even though it's a bit muddled," Mahfud tweeted, which was uploaded on Thursday, July 15

Mahfud's tweet could not be separated from the spotlight of a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra Party, Fadli Zon. Where he is also actively criticizing the government through his personal Twitter account.
"This is if the Covid control command is not directly led by the president. Some are busy working in the field, some are busy watching the soap opera Ikatan Cinta," replied Fadli Zon.
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