
GOWA - Head of the Gowa District Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Alimuddin Tiro apologized for the violent incident carried out by Satpol officers while conducting a PPKM patrol. This viral incident occurred at a warkop in Panciro, Bajeng Gowa District.

Alimuddin admitted that he regretted the incident of Satpol PP officers rebuking the cafe owner's husband and wife. The reason is the Regent of Gowa, Adnan Purrichta Ichsan, always reminds the apparatus to act professionally and humanely.

"First of all, on behalf of the government and Satpol PP, we apologize, especially to the victims," said Alimuddin, quoted from a written statement by the Gowa Regency Government Public Relations, Thursday, July 15.

According to him, the conditions that occur in the field are not in accordance with the instructions of the Gowa Regent.

“Moreover, our regent always conveys to the SKPD that they are professional and humane in their work. What happened on the pitch was completely beyond our expectations."

Alimuddin confirmed that he would cooperate with the police regarding the handling of the legal process. The couple who own the warkop have reported the viral incident to the Gowa Police.

"The victim has reported to the Resort Police and we all see that there is indeed violence, but we will investigate it," he explained.

In addition, the Head of Gowa Police Chief also asked the public to comply with the Micro PPKM which will last until July 20.

"This PPKM is an effort by the Gowa Regency Government so that the COVID-19 pandemic ends quickly. Therefore, let's support this PPKM so that we can carry out activities as usual," he hoped.

As previously explained, the Acting Secretary of Gowa, who led Team 4 to carry out the raid operation, did not expect that during the surveillance there would be a miscommunication between members of the Satpol PP and the warkop owner during the monitoring of night activities. This condition led to an incident of commotion.

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