
JAKARTA - The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has authorized the emergency use authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer vaccine. This COVID-19 vaccine from the United States is said to have an efficacy of 95.5 even 100 percent for adolescents 12-15 years.

This data was obtained from the implementation of clinical trials that had been carried out before the vaccine was circulated.

"The phase III clinical trial data shows the comirnatie efficacy at the age of 16 years and over is 95.5 percent and at the age of 12-15 years is 100 percent," said Head of BPOM Penny K Lukito in a press conference broadcast on BPOM RI YouTube, Thursday , July 15.

Even so, based on a number of studies with a team of experts this vaccine can be tolerated in all age groups. The Pfizer vaccine is administered in two doses with an interval of three weeks.

"The immunogenicity data shows that the administration of two doses of the comirnatie vaccine within three weeks has resulted in a good response," he said.

For information, there are currently six COVID-19 vaccines that have received EUA from BPOM to be used in Indonesia. Besides Pfizer, BPOM has issued EUA Coronavac from Sinovac from China, AstraZeneca obtained from COVAX facilities, Sinopharm from Beijing, and Moderena from the United States.

BPOM said the Pfizer vaccine uses an mRNA platform that has special storage specifications, namely using ultra low temperatures. The temperature should be in the range of -90 to -60 degrees Celsius.

Previously, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that 50 million US-made Pfizer vaccines would soon arrive in Indonesia.

This was agreed in the Ministry of Health's collaboration with Pfizer-BioNTech in the provision of a vaccine called 162b2 throughout 2021.

Minister of Health Budi said he welcomed the cooperation in the procurement of Pfizer vaccines in Indonesia. The vaccine is one of the COVID-19 vaccines used for the accelerated vaccination program in Indonesia.

"I thank you for your cooperation in helping to meet the needs of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia. With the increase in the stock of 50 million doses of the Pfizer brand of vaccine, it is hoped that it will accelerate the implementation of vaccinations in Indonesia," said Budi on Wednesday, July 14.

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