
JAKARTA - The Government of Purbalingga Regency, Central Java noted that 2,734 local residents were still undergoing self-isolation because they were confirmed to have COVID-19.

"According to the latest data on July 14, 2021, there are 2,734 residents who are undergoing self-isolation," said Head of the Purbalingga Health Service Hanung Wikantono when reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 14.

He explained that the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in this region since the beginning of handling 10,981 people. Of these, 7,553 residents were declared cured, 201 residents were still being treated in a number of health facilities, 2,734 residents were self-isolating, and 493 people died.

His party continues to carry out strict supervision, especially in villages that are included in the red zone category.

Until now, there is still an increasing trend of COVID-19 cases in the local area.

In this regard, his party continues to remind the entire community that the pandemic is not over yet, so health protocols must continue to be strengthened and tightened again.

"Public awareness is the most important thing in supporting efforts to accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

According to him, the active role of citizens in cultivating a clean and healthy lifestyle and health protocols has an effect on efforts to accelerate the handling of the pandemic.

"The government needs the support of citizens through the discipline of implementing health protocols," he said.

Currently, Purbalingga is implementing an Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) as directed by President Joko Widodo to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in the region.

"Emergency PPKM is expected to further encourage people to be more disciplined in complying with health protocols," he said.

Previously, Purbalingga Regent Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi asked local residents to obey and seriously implement all the rules during Emergency PPKM to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"We hope that the implementation of the Emergency PPKM can be carried out as much as possible and as effectively as possible. Don't let the implementation from July 3-20 be in vain," he said.

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