
The Regional Disability Commission of West Nusa Tenggara Province (KDD NTB) has ensured the readiness of the Class II A Penitentiary (Lapas) West Lombok to accommodate the detention of a suspect in a suspected sexual harassment case with a suspect with the initials IWAS alias Agus Bentung.

"Yes, we have seen and confirmed that later Agus will be detained, at least his (detention) room is ready," said Chairman of the NTB KDD Joko Jumadi in Mataram as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 17.

From a visit to the Class II A Prison in West Lombok, Joko said there were two detention rooms for people with disabilities that were complete with supporting facilities.

"In our opinion, it is already accessible for disabilities to be able to enter there. In one room, there are two bathrooms, some toilets squat and sit down, then there is a shower," he said.

With this readiness, Joko said that the suspect IWAS alias Agus Bentung was able to undergo detention in the detention room (rutan) when the house detention period was over.

"So, it allows him (Agus) to become a detention center during his (rutan) accessibility. Earlier we saw accessible," he said.

During his detention in prison, Joko continued, the Class II A prison in West Lombok will also receive support from assistants to help all the needs of the IWAS suspect.

"Umpamanya nanti, dia (Agus) butuh bantuan untuk buka katu, nanti akan ada tenaga pendamping yang bantu," ujarnya.

Meanwhile, the Head of Class II A Prison in West Lombok, M. Fadli, confirmed that his party already has a special detention room for elderly inmates and people with disabilities. The number is two rooms.

"The room has different facilities. There are additional seats, indeed the needs of elderly friends and disabilities," said Fadli.

Class II A prison in West Lombok also has assistants who are ready to help all the needs of persons with disabilities and the elderly. This companion is an inmate.

"So, there are inmates who will take care of it," he said.

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