Harta Dedy was in the spotlight after being linked to the case of mistreatment of a co-worker in Palembang named Muhammad Luthfi. He is said to be the father of a koas doctor named Lady who is suspected of being the cause of the persecution.
"The maximum (analytical process, ed) is one month," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan to VOI, Tuesday, December 17.
Some things that need to be checked, continued Pahala, are related to banking accounts. So, people are asked to wait because there is a process that must be passed.
"Because it needs to check data with other agencies including banks," he said.
Meanwhile, the Director of LHKPN Registration and Examination of the KPK, Herda Helmijaya, explained that there were a number of difficulties that could be found in analyzing the wealth reports of officials. Including, the uncooperative of related parties.
"The difficulty is of course the issue of account ownership concerning bank confidentiality and property ownership concerning the uncooperativeness of the parties," Herda said separately.
Even so, Herda ensured that the anti-corruption commission would not be discouraged. "We have various methods that can be done but also need to be careful so as not to deviate from the regulations," he explained.
Adapun Dedy Mandarsyah melapor LHKPN pada 14 Maret 2024. Total hartanya Rp 9.426.451.869 atau Rp 9,4 miliar lebih.
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Dedy also reported other assets in the form of a Honda CR-V car in 2019 worth IDR 450 million. He also has movable assets of IDR 830 million; securities of IDR 670.7 million; and cash and cash equivalents of IDR 6,725,751,869.
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