
The TNI's Peace Maintenance Mission Center (PMPP) said TNI soldiers who served with the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) were still wary of the threat of bombs, artillery, and drone attacks.

The Commander of PMPP TNI Rear Admiral TNI Retiono Kunto Hadiningtias ensured that TNI soldiers who served with UNIFIL in Lebanon were able to anticipate these threats.

"The situation is still the same, like that, we usually hear arterial, bomb or rocket fire every day. It is still ongoing," said Laksda Retiono when met after the welcoming ceremony for the return of the 2023 TNI UNIFIL Milstaff Task Force at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Thursday, March 14, was confiscated by Antara.

Laksda Retiono said the TNI instructed the ranks of soldiers who are currently serving with UNIFIL in Lebanon to act according to the SOP.

"Update the existing situation, continue to follow the SOP when there is heavy artillery fire, that (at that time, ed.) they must immediately go to the nearest bunker first while monitoring the situation," he said.

Since Israel hit Gaza in October 2023, tensions have spread to the Israel-Lebanon border, including in the Blue Line a demarcation line separating Israeli and Lebanese territory. The Blue Line is one of UNIFIL's operational areas.

"Yes, there are rockets, artillery, mortars, large caliber bombs all of them are there every day, like that, it is still today, but we are grateful (the attack, ed.) has not had a direct impact on us," he said.

Not only the threat of attacks on land, UNIFIL troops at sea who are members of the Maritime Task Force (MTF) are also wary of the threat of attacks, especially those launched by drones.

However, Retiono believes that TNI soldiers who are currently serving with KRI Diponegoro-365 in Lebanese waters are able to anticipate the threat.

"We have the ability. All peacekeepers have the ability to defend themselves, including from drone threats," said the TNI PMPP Commander.

In the last 15 years, including until early 2024, Indonesia routinely sends TNI soldiers to join the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon. The departing Indonesian soldier is also referred to as the Garuda contingent.

At UNIFIL, they are divided into several divisions, including the Maritime Task Force (MTF) which consists entirely of Indonesian Navy soldiers, then the TNI Mechanical Battalion Task Force (INDOBATT), the Headquarters Support Headquarterer Unit (FHQSU) Support Task Force, the Indo Force Protection Company (FPC) Task Force, the Civil-Military Coordination Task Force / Civilian Military Coordination (CIMIC) TNI, the Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) Task Force, and the Level 2 Hospital Task Force.

Most TNI soldiers who are members of UNIFIL operate on land, while the MTF Task Force carries out its duties at sea.

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