
JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto proposed that Russia and Ukraine carry out a ceasefire or stop the armed war.

"The first thing to do is ask Ukraine and Russia to implement a ceasefire," Prabowo said speaking of becoming a panelist at the Shangri-La Dialogue Meeting in Singapore.

Prabowo also suggested that troops from the two countries withdraw 15 kilometers from the ceasefire point so as to present a demilitarized region.

Against this demilitarized region, Prabowo then asked the United Nations (UN) to form and place guard forces there.

"PBB then held a referendum to people living in demilitarized areas," he said.

The Minister of Defense then conveyed that Indonesia would be the first country to become the peacekeeping force.

"I have decided that Indonesia will be the first country to join the peacekeeping force," he said.

According to Prabowo, the war between Russia and Ukraine needs to be stopped immediately because it has an impact on life around the world.

In order to prevent things from getting worse, including more massive damage in Ukraine and Russia as well as the increasing number of casualties, Prabowo also proposed a declaration resulting from the Shangri-La Dialogue meeting.

Prabowo's proposals had raised questions from some meeting participants. They fear the proposal will serve as justification for Russian aggression.

"I am not telling the right or wrong. Indonesia's position in aggression against Ukraine is clearly against. What I convey is a way out. The UN must take a stand to resolve this war so that it does not drag on and complicate life around the world," Prabowo explained.

According to him, the way of resolving the war by making demilitarization is not the first thing the UN has done.

Prabowo said that the UN had done this in wars in Korea, Vietnam, and Africa.

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